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4GS | 19:59 Wed 20th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
They say......
who are 'they'? these all knowing people? where do 'they' live, is it here on Answerbank? If so, which category do 'they' inhabit? I have a feeling that Quizmonster is one of 'they'

Any ideas?


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'they' are the Men in Grey. Much worse than the Men in Black. They hang around in D.U.M.B's and are totally subservient to the reptilians ... honest its true google it ;)

If quizmonster is one of these then eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Hey 4GS,

I am part of 'they' when it comes to....

etc etc

BB xx
4gs you are indeed one of they.
when we are talking about men or when others talk of us them they and we.

you been on the grog ?
They must live 'here' if they do not live 'there'.

And if they DO live 'here', it means

'they' are not all 'there'.

And most of them aren't.
yeah I guess thats true sir.prize lol
Quizmonster is a veritable oracle of trivia, we need more of "them" on here.
Question Author
No leggy I'm not, but I think sir.prize has had way too much of the 'falling down' water
They might actually be giant ants.
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4GS . . .the effects of falling down water soon go away with a dose of Chatterbank . . .didn't you know?
if youre not they then youre them 4gs

get over it you are a them or a they

as for wombles on crack??
is that madame cholette getting a large portion ??

i believe they do live here on answerbank.
maybe we are all 'they' we just dont realise it..
oooo mysterious...
They might be giants, so put a little bird house in your soul.
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