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Any fans of heart paintings out there?

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CommDave | 01:49 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I'm an artist and enjoy painting heart paintings. If you would take a minute and view these pieces I would appreciate it very much, thank you! .html


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Sorry but they are cr@p.
they're very good Dave and probably look even better on the wall.
Some nice work there Dave, but this isn't the site to start hawking your goods.

Best of luck to you though.
Why don't you tell us what you 'really' think, eh, Doc ? lol

I admire your technical abilities, Dave...............but posting on a site like this is a dangerous thing, it smacks of advertising....
I like the stone heart ones I thnk you called them. Although two were on canvas but looked like the one made from stone.
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dabees, I'm not trying to sell them my friend, I'm just trying to show them. It is what most artists enjoy. Dave
I agree that your work is very interesting, varied and shows an undeniable talent. However, you'll find that as others have said, this will be seen as advertising, which isn't allowed on this site.
Apart from that, well done! xxx (I really like the cubes' sculptures and your cubist paintings, as well as the Night Space one).
If that's the case then Dave, start Stumblin them or post links to Reddit or Digg.

I understand your point, but this place is run as a business, they won't take gladly to someone selling there site.

Just advice, not an opinion.
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I had no idea that it would be taken as advertisement. I just wanted to share my artwork. Sorry to those that are offended. Thank you to the rest of you that have shown support!
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thanks for the tips dabees.
Hi CommDave,

Having a Valentine's Day Birthday, I enjoyed these quite a bit. They are lovely.
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Thanks EngTeach!

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Any fans of heart paintings out there?

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