PORK PIES/GROWLERS in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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DINGO11 | 09:51 Thu 11th Nov 2004 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Surely SOMEBODY out there must know why a pork pie is called a growler????
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Maybe they don't, DINGO11. Where do you live? I too now await an answer. Apologies for getting your hopes up when you saw you had a response!
I personally have never heard this usage, but - since I have half a dozen British slang websites on my 'Favourites' list - I've just checked through them all. Only one refers to 'growler' and - believe me! - it has nothing to do with pork pies. It suggested that it was a form of rhyming slang based on 'growl' and 'grunt'. I'll leave you to work out for yourself what it referred to! (Perhaps it is connected to the 'pie' element which involves a rather different slang form that I have heard of before...I don't know.)
I read that too QM when trying to find what a growler was.

The common meaning of growler is something completely different!

 'Lorraine Kelly' exhibits hers in Bo Selecta, apparently.

When I was in the Army, we used to refer to the pies from the NAAFI as NAAFI Growlers.

I took it to mean they were so bad they growled at you?

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I have found some information for those of you that may be interested.  A pork pie (the king of pies) is affectionately known in some circles as a growler (not just in yorkshire) We can only guess that the reason for this is either that they make your stomach growl after eating them or that some of them bite!

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