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Deal or no deal

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puss_boots | 22:53 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I have just applied to go on this show, I need to win some cash, has anyone here ever won anything or been on TV in a quiz etc.


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Ooooooh will you let us know if you go on it?
My mate went on Who wants to be a millionaire and won �65K last year.
No, but because I have a friend who works as a producer, I've been in a few studio audiences & also witnessed how contestants are chosen. Be confident, friendly - and maybe have a little story to tell at any audition. Good luck - x
We won a lot of money on the pools many years ago. I also had a few years of prizes, such as a holiday in .. Somerset !, concert tickets, hamper etc etc.

I think my lucky streak may be returning. Yesterday I won �50 in a draw at B & Q.

It has kind of gone already tho. The electricians bill today was �47.50 more than expected!
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Yeh I will let you know if I get on. I have applied for Millionaire loads of times, they take your money from the phone call and you never hear from them.
My sisters ex boyfriend got through to the final part of millionaire, I mean the bit where they do fastest finger first!
I'd love to go on a show like that but all the presenters drive me mad, if you do get through then please thump Noel Edmunds for me lol
Will you have a system or go for random boxes?
Good Luck xxx
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Not keen on Noel Edmunds myself but if I get on then if the banker gives me �250,000 then who cares.
Hi puss no i've never had the guts to apply for one lol

Good luck and let us know if you get lucky, we'll be rooting on for you.
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Sorry mistys didn't answer your Q. I have some lucky numbers, been doing them for years on the lottery and they haven't been lucky yet so perhaps random is best.
~max~ How did your mate win �65K on Millionaire? That's never been one of the prize amounts.
Good luck, there`s a ten year waiting list
oh a lady at work's daughter went on this, you have to travel to Bristol, but the up side is you make great mates cos you are stuck together for 2 weeks

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