Sunday Express Stuck on a few! Any help appreciated in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Sunday Express Stuck on a few! Any help appreciated

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silverdollar | 12:30 Sun 24th Feb 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
3d The larger of the two parts of the internal ear labyrinth.
7 letters -r-c-e.

8d Trends or improvements towards a higher level.
7 letters u-t---s.

12a A spicy dish of Asian origin, which usually consists of meat or fish in a piquant sauce. 5 letters -u---.

23d Tall, aquatic plant with small, green-stalked flowers like spokes around the stem top. 7 letters p-p---s

Last one! 31a Extinct marine reptiles of Jurassic and Cretaceous times, with lng necks, short tails and paddle-like limbs. 10 letters -l-s-o-a--. Is it plesiosaur? Only that would make the answer singular when the question suggests plural? Thank you all in advance.
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3d utricle
8d. upturns
12a. curry
23d. papirus
31a. plesiosaur
23dn papyrus
8d could be "upturns"
Although I am no expert when it comes to extinct marine reptiles I notice that there are two options for the answer to 31a Sunday Express. I have 'plesiosaur' but notice that 'elasmosaur' also fits the description given in the clue? What do you think Tyrepill?
i believe it's papyrus
I think its elasmosaur as a plesiosaur has a long tail

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Sunday Express Stuck on a few! Any help appreciated

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