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Did everyone have a good weekend?

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4GS | 10:36 Mon 25th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I did


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did you go away or just enjoy your long weekend?
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relaxed at home with Mrs 4GS and the boys
I did.

Nice and relaxing. Stayed in, drank some Pina Coladas on saturday, home made ones, had a takeaway of pizza.

Sunday, my boys came for a trad lunch and it was a lovely day all round.
sounds good!

We went looking at houses, again, and then managed to not get much done at home again, even though we were moving and sorting stuff all weekend.
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Hi 4GS - Had a great weekend! Met some great people!
Ate, drank and was merry lol xxx
I had a lovely weekend, our granddaughter was away until sunday dinnertime, so our daughter spent most of saturday at our house. We just relaxed and gabbed and watched crap on tv all afternoon. Yesterday they both came for a visit for a couple of hours which was hectic but lovely. We had a big roast duck dinner which I was dying for but we hung on til 7.00 for when my lad came back from his nains, only for him to walk through the door, smell the dinner and say 'oh crap I forgot we were having a roast, I've just been to KFC' grrrrrrrrrrr lol

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Did everyone have a good weekend?

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