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Yaawwn , stretch ,...

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bigmamma | 07:29 Tue 26th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Morning all , just up and can't believe how dark it is this morning. :-) xxxxx


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oh well maybe just the start of my day of people having a go :-)
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Chin up honey , I admire you for the way you take it honey , I couldn't be half so cool honey . xxxxx
oh dont worry doesnt get me that down I just hate hyprocrites :-) But not something I;m going to cry over bigmamma you know me better than that :-) But thanks
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Yes 4get , I know what you mean , and yes I do honey :-)
Hi mamma , now back from the hospital it had stopped raining when I got there ...don't have to pay for the car park as free to blue badge holders ....the sun is now out and it's like a spring day fingers xed it lasts a while ...
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Pleased you found the going ok and the rain had stopped sweets , I wish our hospital carpark was like that , I have a blue badge myself and there are disabled parking spots in the carpark but you still have to pay the fees the same , not as fair as most parks which are free xxxxx

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