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last thought

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sleepyj | 22:39 Tue 26th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
what is the last thing you think of when you go sleep at night ,,,,i think to myself thank god its sleep time time of day lol


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hussy dont like feather pillows they dont taste same ..
wow thats took a long time eh??
you will be glad to get back to normal with all the dust making you ill with your chest. its the truth i found myself laughing about it. xx
very comfortable though sleepy.. try eating food it tastes better but will put on weight lol xx
Just lately its been along the lines of stay asleep so I can get some lol
Get some sleep that is!!
it would be good to stay asleep psychick lol xx
I hope I don't dream.
I have no problem staying asleep personally hussy, so long as the baby does lol
i know exactly where your coming from
have the same problem myself nlol xx

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