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Well, did the earth move for you?

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skyep | 04:18 Wed 27th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
The rumbling woke me and my husband up. Crazy thing is, we just turned over & said it must be a tremor!


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Did your caravan move red
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Stockton-on-Tees certainly shook this morning and I wish it ******* hadn't - scared the *** BEEP *** out of me!
we're in the west mids, i woke to hear something rattling on the windowsill. Thought oh its an earthquake and went back to sleep. i was awake for all of 10 seconds, lol.
We are in Derby and it shook us completely awake. I immediately thought it was an earthquake and then began a quick mental check of more plausable things.

Mr Rabbity, who sleeps nude, was up and looking around the bungalow checking things.

I let him. And just turned over and went back to sleep. I went on to dream about the morning news declaring it was an earthquake!!
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I'm peed off cos I missed it :( I always said I could sleep through an earthquake and last night I did :( My sister and daughter felt and heard it though and keep showing off about it grrr
i couldn't believe it. i woke up with the bed shaking thinking it was my other half having a dream and kicking about.

i'm screaming at him "stop it", "will you stop it". then went back to sleep thinking nothing of it, only to wake this morning to find
it was the earthquake.

this was my first experience of an earthquake and i mistook it for a dream.
god i'm a doughnut.
I thought Mrs Myriad was farting all night, turned out to be an earthquake.
Oooo 3ight8ball , that maps where I live in Lincolnshire :-0
Morning leg. Thank you for your - what do you call them??Got no time to think of a rhyme ..

That's it. It was the second broken nights sleep for me. Only been up since 9.20! Came on here to check news of the quake. Tel came back from a quick tour of the bungalow (only on the inside for obvious reasons) and asked if I thought the dishwasher was faulty. Told him he was a silly s0d and get back in bed. Think he was walking around asleep!

Gotta go. Tels gone ahead to check the big house. I paid (and kissed) the plumbers yesterday. Clear up and dump run in van today then resume plastering.

Bet you wish your life was as exciting eh?!

Be good ....... ?!?!
Hi sky & all - I felt it too & posted about it on this thread: 8128.html

Scary eh?
I didn't feel anything as I'm in South London. I didn't realise there were fault lines in the UK. I've only ever experience tremors in Turkey and they were pretty scary. I thought we weren't going to make!

Hope everybody is OK. xxx

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Well, did the earth move for you?

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