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They say lightening never strikes in the same place twice

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banned-dot | 00:59 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
what about earthquakes? is the Earth gonna move for us again tonight?


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Hi Dot. No - we're past the witching hour now.
im away to bed now gud nite dot and ice
well if it does, then I am prepared!!

I really thought I had gone mad last night lol....... Honest

Night dot and ice xx
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This might set the mood!!! lol
I feel the earth move
Night Montcrieff - night Petal. xx
Think we're going to see more of these tremors in future though Dot.
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never mind david is cool too lol
oops what happened there!
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Say! I've never seen Carole King before. That was quite good!
Just looked on here before I headed off to bed...Hi all :-),apparently it was felt over here too! About 7 miles from me!
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Hi again Bez! I was actually sitting where I am now, just before 1 a.m. sometime. There was this sudden rumbling sound, which got louder, and then the whole house shook. A cup fell off the desk & the computer was shaking like a leaf!! I knew what it was, as I've felt tremors before, but this was the biggest one, and it bothered me because we have cellars under the house. I had visions of everything collapsing, which echoed what my son thought. I spent quite a while consoling him, and he went and climbed into bed with his dad. Took a while before my own heart stopped thumping so madly.
Oh gawd Bez !! Snores could almost explain it !!...Those wee yellow earplugs are very useful though ;-)
Hi Linda. Oops - has dot gone to bed as well? night Dot!
Question Author
i'M just away now Ice, not in work til 12 so not rushing about, catch you later, have a peaceful night lol
Hi Icey :-)..Bit of a traumatic night then ..
night Dot :-)
Night Dot - thanks, I'm sure it'll be peaceful for us all. x.
Yes, it was last night Linda. My eldest son thought it was "ace" when he felt the earthquake tremors, but the younger one, who's autistic, was petrified, bless him.
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Night Bez - sleep well. I'm sure a lot of people were just as scared as you, and thankfully we're all alright - xx

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They say lightening never strikes in the same place twice

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