Most int fridges are 600mm wide, as long as the door is the same it should fit. The hinge holes in the door may need re drilled to suit spacing of the hin.ges on the fridge. a special 35mm hinge drill bit is needed but they are only approx 8 quid. Be careful when drilling as the tip of the drill can pierce the front of the door if you go too deep.
lay your drill bit against edge of door and wrap a piece of tape round drill bit just short of depth of door. Insert drill bit into drill and then stop drilling before you reach tape. This helps prevent you drilling thro door.
You would be better re-drilling the hinge holes in the carcase as they are only 5mm, but watch you don't drill right through the carcass if its an end unit. A bit of insulation tape on the drill bit to act as a depth marker will help. also although the fridge doors are always 600mm wide, the height of the doors can vary depending on how your fridce and freezer are divided i,e 50 - 50 or 60 - 40.