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I have had a very very long day but I am off tomottow Yayyy

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dot.hawkes | 22:52 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I am going to buy myself a new mobile phone, which do you think i should get, i would like a pink one I think.


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For goodness sake let it go, leave it alone, nothing really matters why can't a new day a new night be just that without forever dredging up old arguements. Go and look at my little film it might........I say....just might put a smile on your faces. Isn't it about time that a truce was drawn and we had a few laughs on here the back biteing is getting tiresome. I usually stay away from the rows but enough is enough.
Why do you need a new mobile?

Has the old one stopped working?
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Yes it has , the bit in the top has fallen out and got lost, the i tunes thing on it has stopped working, I have had it a year or so now, bought it before i went to Antigua, actually that was in 2006!!!! I have a little red flip orange phone but my main one is o2 and so i want a new 02 one.,
My Nokia 3410 is about 5 years old now. It's brilliant. I hope it never dies.

It gets reception when 'er indoors's latest flip or slide phone/camera fails.

It hasn't got a camera, or a coloured screen, or polyphonic ringtones, or music, or many other things besides.

However it has the most amazing and useful feature.
If you press the buttons in the right order you can speak to people, or send them little written messages. I love it.
urmm is this a follow up on my post about orange ? or a coincedence , just asking no offence :))
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well i can do texting and i can take a picture with mine but that's it, i am not really bothered about anything fancy lol

pooshunny that samsung looks absolutely spot on, I'll go to the 02 shop tomorrow, i think i qualify for a discounted upgrade actually , cheers for looking for that!
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soz shanks only got home at 9pm not seen anything much on here tonight, or today,!!!
puss i am off to the party , you coming :)
In my limited experience no one makes a phone as easy to use as a Nokia.

I tried using someone's Samsung once, and gave up.
no probs dot. ive got a samsung one and i think its great, but they hadn't released the pink one yet so i ended up with a silver one :-( p?productid=16335
I've seen loads of different pink phones Dot. depends on what you want to pay and what you want it to do - x
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Hi Ice, I just want a pretty pink phone that will work easily and not be too confusing lol on 02, that samsung one looks good i shall seek that one out and then look at what else they have in the 02 shop

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I have had a very very long day but I am off tomottow Yayyy

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