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no rows today please it upsets me
Rows of what?
Ok bob , I'll try not to start one :-) xxx
Question Author
it will distract me from paying tax, hello bigm
Morning Bob,
The arguments are getting silly!!

Let's pledge to keep it friendly today!
Morning bob, all well with you I hope.
Morning bob,i won`t be rowing cos i`m off to work now.I can`t access AB(only SAB)at work but i wouldnt join in any arguments anyway.As was said yesterday,lifes to short.Have a good day everybody.x
Good morning bob and everyone else.

Im off out for the day! Hope everyone has a lovely friday! :-)
Question Author
morning all
morning bob, hope you have a great day
hi bob, I am short of sleep and short tempered, but still able to laugh at myself have a lovely day :)

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