Why is is that I can get reception of this station in the kitchen but am not it in the front room ?.I live in Hastings on the South coast..In my car reception is loud and clear..Thank you in advance for any response..
Hi 'seachurch' ....as 'ACthe TROLL' says there are many fsctors .....What you are experiencing is 'signal attenuation' due to the structure of the house. All electromagnetic transmissions are blocked to so degree by all physical objests and it isn't simple to workout what's between the transmitted signal and the aerial. You might find that as you moved around the front room you could find a spot where there was a signal. If you want to be sure of getting a signal to listen to Classic (which I assume is FM although you may have DAB in the house ...but the same principle applies) you need an external aerial ...on the roof or maybe in the loft.
Thank you for the response..Some years ago we had the same problem getting Radio 3 but that has been sorted out,better transmitter,something to do with the French getting all the best wavelengths !..In the summer we have a lot of ghosting on the TV from the French TV especially during the good weather,a bit of a nuisance when you are watching Wimbledon !