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Okay heres a question, do you have names that you call your pals

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alinic | 20:44 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
but in a light hearted way? maybe its a nickname or a term of endearment? does it vary as to where you live?
Just curious?


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yeah round here we call our mates and kids c o c k or spadge. Is that what you mean or did you mean names we call our actual mates like I call my mate chuckle brother?
I have different nickname's for most of my friend's. And they have different ones for me! I won't go through them all but the most unfortunate one is LouBrush heehee!! Bless her, I don't realise how bad it is till you actually think what it is! :o)

How about you alinic??
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well when my pals call me on the phone i say hiya Fanny!
I am in the Scottish borders, i gather your down south aka piki?
rofl Ive been called fanny by my scottish mates.

Im in Yorkshire alinic and aww you called me a piki :( I will remember your name when Im dishing out me goodies lol
Question Author
so sorry! didnt mean to ! humble apoligies! please forgive me!
Where were all the goodies at lunchtime today.
This was my last day of sick from work for a couple of weeks. Thought you would have offered me a toastie seeing it would be my last day on here in the mornings lol
my friend and i refer to each other as "tart" or "trollop" have done for years, in fact, i cant even remember her bloody name now and we've known each other since we were 3! ;-)
Hi alinic

I call my friends 'matey' or 'sweetheart'.

One of my closest friends calls her mates "bitch" LOL but then she is a psycho. Thats our pet name for her btw!

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Okay heres a question, do you have names that you call your pals

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