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Dot Hawkes.

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Abdulmajid | 20:59 Fri 29th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

I need 18 pairs of identical smart shoes for my schools Rugby dinner presentation.

We looked at hiring but they can not guarantee the numbers all to match.

Also the budget is no more than 20 pounds per pair!!!!

Where would you go???

(They are adult sizes between 8 to 11.5)


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Well I would go to one of those oputlet places that sell good stuff but last season, Boundary Mill or Freeport we have up here, you should be able to get sorted quite well, I take it you need somewhere in the West Country and so if anyone is in or around there they should be able to direct you W.

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Thank you dotty.

somebody recommended Clarks HQ near Glastonbury. I shall look in to your options.

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Dot Hawkes.

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