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haysi06 | 00:17 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I was asked to go on "skype" today

I assume that is not a pony....anybody??


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a pony lol
Skype - make free calls over the internet to other people on Skype for as long as you like, to wherever you like. It is free to download.
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So, its not a pony??
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Munkee...I have a question about it, assuming you know a bit how it works? My laptop doesn't have a mike. So can I just get a headset with a mike on? Will that work? It'd be very handy as a lot of my very good friends are abroad...
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RoaldoM, you are so coy *blush*
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~max~, search eBay for VoIP headset, there are zillions of them on there.
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och ~I heard that you were a bit fishy. same thing I suppose... LOL
Thanks Munkee, will have a look!
Munkeeluvva's right - but the whole point is that i believe you can only talk to other users of Skype, and it's not like MSN where you can leave messages that can be picked up the next time someone goes on.
No, that's ok, my bro and a couple of friends in Oz and SA have skype, so that'll come in handy! :O)

(no idea if that was directed at me Ice?)
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So. is skype going to cost me anything then?
To haysi AND you, max - sorry, wasn't making myself too clear was I?!!! And before anyone says it - yes, I know, I!
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I googled 'skype' and think it may be an option for some people who I speak to whom are in America.
Skype's free haysi, I use it alot.

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