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where is Ray?

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cuddleMe | 13:57 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
where is Ray to brighten up this day!! need some cheering up!!! more jokes....pls :)


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He's away on a sparks outing to margate
ignore captains log lol ;-) mind you, i bet he wishes he was in margate on a Jolly boys outing knobby.Eating bloody cockles and whelks by the sea!

He should be around later cuddleme when he's finished his errands. . he has to see to all the ladies in his village, make sure they are all ok for the weekend. No doubt he will be armed with a load more jokes. Have you ever heard his favourite? The one about the stick? If not, ask him, its a pearler. ;-)
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ohh i c, hope hes having a good time

joke about the stick? i think i read it, i must find that joke again.

captain what is your problem? whose peed u off? me?
Jules he is away on a sparkies outing to margate I should know as I am sat next to him on the coach at the moment and before you ask I am doing this on here on me mobile.

We are running a little late though as we had a bit of trubble in the pub earlier but we have an eta of around 15.00 hrs.

Mon due he has had a long journey to here down souf to get the coach.
Sorry cuddle just read what you said course you have not peeded me off only mucking around wid ja ask jules and I am sure she will back that up.
well knobby, the bu$$er never told me! he will do anything to get out of buying me a stick of rock! No mention of a beano!

cuddleme, yes, he's kidding thats all. :-)
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oh god, i was getting paranoid then, so nothing is serious going on then? u silly ppl u had me panick. :)
lol you'll get used to us cuddleme except now captain has gone asn we look a bit daft talking to someone who isnt here! lol
he is probably in morley ....

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where is Ray?

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