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seekeerz | 00:56 Sun 02nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I know it's the wrong heading, but how is your fuzzball baby and what did you call him ?


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Hi,seerkeerz....He is called Caspar(thanks to legend and a mate of mine who both came up with the name). My furball/furbaby/fuzzball is fine....he is a typically manic 7 month old....he woke me up this morning by chewing my hair :-0
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Gorgeous !!! wait till he's fully grown and then decides that sleeping on YOU is the only place !! I used to wake up with Foo [ my Chinny] asleep on me and believe me, he wasn't light. Mind you, there's not a day goes by when I don't wish he was still here and doing it !!
Get another one-lol!!.....mine is gonna be a biggie....he is already 10lb!!
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