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dabees | 23:02 Sun 02nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I just logged on and tried to answer I am Spartacus's thread. It was banned before i could post........

Better set your proxy up again knob.



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what was it about dabees?
Same here but sorry shops shut
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Nothing Caz, as usual.
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Irrelevant as usual Caz.
Shops shut
Oh I see, must have been something for it to get banned?...
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Glad to hear that knob............

Move on, this is my thread.
Start it again, but rephrase.......
Question Author
Non of my comments were aimed at you Cazzzz
Proxy is reset now sorry but you must try harder If you want to hack me.

Shops closed
Question Author

Like you'd know if i was hacking you.................

I have time on my hands, but not time worthy of you.
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the hand time is used in pms hey legion PMSL

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