bank charges in The AnswerBank: Civil
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bank charges

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XtrixieX | 17:43 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | Civil
10 Answers
i incurred bank chages on a current account over 7yrs ago, and have just received a letter of intended legal proceedings,from a credit company is this valid
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Did you ever settle those charges? If not then you can' t be surprised that they want the money. But seven years seems a long time for the bank to wait-i s this the first time in seven years that they have contacted you about this or have there been requests for the money in the meantime?
And how much do you owe- may be worth paying it just for peace of mind?
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this is the first time they have contacted me , it was an overdrawn charge i think initially �30 standard i think and now with all they add is �265
Are you sure they haven't ever contacted you since. Exactly when did they last contact you and how much did you owe, including charges, at that point. When did they first tell you they were adding other charges on top of the original �30?
Question Author
this is first ketter i have had about it in 7 years
But when they last contacted you how much did ythey say you owe, including charges, at that point. When did they first tell you they were adding other charges on top of the original �30?
Did you move house, or change bank account? Could someone have been taking your post? Is there more than one person involved?
They have their proceedures and its all done according certain rules and guidelines. This sounds very weird. Try to give us more information.
If you owed the bank charge, then it is surely payable. Charges can be incurred and you will be liable but it does sound incredible that all this has been going on and you didn't know a thing? Have you asked them why they haven't contacted you in all these years?
If this debt is over six years old ( five in Scotland ) and you have not had any contact with the bank or credit company in that time , then it is Statute Barred and no court. action can be taken against you .

Check out this site for more information and advice.

http://www.nationaldebtline.co.uk/england_wale s/index.php
Look at Section 6 -- Sample Letters.

Sorry should have added ...... this does not mean the debt goes away , just that it is not enforceable in court.

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