Mycats, I have just read your post and you almost made me cry! 3 years ago I was where you are now. My son went to the local primary (80 pupils) I left him to the gate every morning, and picked him up in the same spot in the afternoon. I too faced the prospect of putting him on a bus to travel the 5 long miles to the 'BIG' school (800 pupils) and I swear - the summer before he transferred, I hadn't one full night's sleep! I felt like I was handing him over to murdering paedophiles as he had never really been out of my sight before. But when it finally came, he proved to be so mature, within a week he knew the whole routine, bus pick-up times etc and God bless the man who invented the mobile phone - any time he missed the bus, he would call to say he'd be on the next one. Now 3 years down the line and with another son away with him I can PROMISE you, your son will survive, but you must try not to show your anxiety to him. Treat it like a big adventure, tell him you'll have his favourite treat ready for him when he gets home. He will meet so many new friends and in my experience, the teachers at the secondary school are only too aware of parents worries so don't be afraid to talk to them if you have any concerns. Good luckxx