hi im struggling to put weight on, no matter what i do i cant put any on. im not a big eater but cant eat when im not hungry. any1 got any tips ? im about 6 n half stone.x
Your first point of call should be your GP to have your Thyroid function checked.Thyroid dysfunction is a common cause of being unable to put on weight.
if you get the chance try to watch supersize v superskinny! it is on channel 4 on a Tuesday night I think. They have had people on successfully managing to put on weight. If you google it or check the channel 4 website I am sure you may find some advice.
lucky you its normally the other way around.I shouldn't say that really though because for some people not putting on weight is just as upsetting as puttin on weight for some.Maybe you should try them protien drinks.They help put weight on..My brother has the same problem.He is about 8 and a half stone and just over 6ft.The doctor didn't seem to be concerned as he was eating normally.Although I think he should have had a proper check because i also think it sounds like a thyroid problem
If there is nothing wrong with your thyroid you need to try weight training along with an excess of calories, preferably quality protein.
Get hold of a copy of beyond brawn by stuart mcrobert.
Though this is aimed at serious weight lifters the theory behind gaining weight is valid.
Do you do any exercise?