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fay2 | 22:20 Sun 14th Nov 2004 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
my daughter wants this print they sell at kirklands it is of a red dress not sure if its just the dress or has a woman but i need to know the name of this print, want to buy it for christmas but cant find it anywhere. have tried kirklands online(small town no store for milessssssssss) and they dont list it. does anyone know?


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Hi fay2

I'm not familiar with Kirklands as it seems to be a US shop (I'm Scottish but live in Scandanavia now) but I tracked down Kirklands online. They only had a few framed prints online but they had plaques and the only one I found of a woman with a red dress was a Cognac advert (from one of a classic range of posters I think). You can see it on the following webpage:

If this is not the one, try and find more details from your daughter (more details about what is in the picture) as it may be possible to find the print you want elsewhere on line.

I've also had a look at the All Posters website at

If you key in "red dress" in the search engine. You will find a number of prints (some available framed) of women with red dresses. One of them is a painting entitled "red dress" by Michael J. Austin. Perhaps this is the one you are looking for.

i have a print of Austin's "Red Dress" on my wall. i got it here
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thank you to all who answered i found the print, it is an emily adams print comes in both black dress and red with either vintage or france written in top corner. again thankyou!

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