The Hotel Maubeuge Gare du Nord has good reviews. �40.68pppn, en suite, in a double-bedded or twin-bedded room, until the end of March.
The Hotel D'Amiens also has mainly good reviews.
�29.77pppn, en suite (twin), or �33.08pppn, en suite (double), including breakfast.
The Hotel Metropol only has a couple of reviews but they're both very positive.
�29.49pppn, en suite (twin or double).
The reviews for the Hotel Bruxelles et du Nord are a bit mixed but generally OK.
�22.40pppn, en suite (twin or double).
The Prelude Hotel Gare du Nord has very good reviews.
�29.49, en suite (twin or double), including breakfast.
The H�tel de Londres et d'Anvers also has great reviews.
�33.59, en suite (twin or double).
All found here:
(Don't be put off by the word 'hostel' in the name of that site. There are plenty of good hotels as well. Use 'Additional search options' and select both 'Budget hotels' and 'Guesthouses).