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mistys | 19:39 Tue 04th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
When you have drunk too much, do you slur your words?? Or are you still able to form complete understandable sentances??


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Was mishty on about i'm not shlurrin i'mm able to form comlesh undershtanabul shenanshes.
I can talk ok, it's the fact I cannot stop laughing or giggling!!!!
Lol drunk people actually realise they're slurring ?
Think anyone who has drank too much should ask their friends. After all, how would you know! lol
Agree with cruell - when someone is drunk they think they are talking sense but what comes out is usually a load of rubbish.
acshurly ahm totally comperehensibuble when im droonk.
its wen ahm sober thereees a prublemo

talk fine walk biiiiiiiiiiiiig problem, i also think im a cross between bruce lee and rocky, im a good fighter but not THAT good, as ive found out once to often lol
I don't exactly get drunk, but when I'm merry, I'm sure I speak the same kind of nonsense as when I'm sober. The typing gets worse as well.

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