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MONTCRIEFF49 | 14:09 Wed 05th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
i have this much to spend ( mispelt engagment)
on an engament present

to which im going to on the 29th of this month

i know the engament will not last
do you think i should buy a gift for them

it is also the annerversary of my mam&dads
birthday as well do you think i should spend it on
flowers instead for them xxxxxx


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save it for your family. I dont think engaged couples should get presents just a card, if they are going to get married they will get presents then.
Hello monty, Buy bottle of bubbly for engagement, most places got it half price at the moment, so you can get a bottle for about �10 and you can drink some of it as well, buy flowers for mummy and daddy with the rest, result
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good idea

but the lad thats getting engagad did
dj my birthday party in dec

and i wud feel awful

not keen on her anyway

as it came out hte blue they
wer even tied up

but will still get flowers for mam and dad too

thanks all xx
That seems a lot of money to spend on a pressie for something you're positive sure won't last!!!

I would spend �20 and if the wedding goes ahead, then buy a decent present.

Why won't the engagement last??!! Are they mismatched??
�20.00!! buy nothing they can hardly turn round and moan about it. And can I just ask why did you put you mispelt engagement why didnt you just not misspell it??
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long story
but yes mishaped and mismatched

sorry spelling not gud the day

il see how its going along on saturday night then make me mind
up about it x

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