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In a Quandry

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Hellyon | 14:42 Wed 05th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I have a big birthday this year - I have a 10 year old son and a lot of my Playground Mum friends at school are not aware of how old I am. One of them has her 40th Birthday in October too and she has suggested we have a joint '40th' party! Should I 'fess up and tell her I'm 50 or should I keep quiet and pretend.....


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Wow, you must look good if you can pass for 40!!!!

Confess and tell her she must have misheard!!!
Well there's no way you can hold a joint party and pretend you're still 40, some sod's bound to drop you in it!

like FunnyGirl said I'd proudly tell her I was 50 and not 40, you're obviously aging very well- say it loud and with pride
have another 40th
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It's funny I don't think I look that young (although compared to a lot of the ones on 10 years younger I compare pretty well lol) I'm sure a lot of it is an assumption that no-one of 50 has a 10 year old son! I think I have a young outlook though, my nephew texts me all the time and downloads things on my phone and pinches my CD's, I'm pretty hot on the playstation which apparently most Mum's aren't (so my son's friend informed me!) And my niece says I have very fashionable handbags!!!!
I can imagine the gossip that will take place behind your back.
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I didn't have a 40th Forget - My son was 10 months old and I was too knackered, so perhaps I could legitimatly say it was my 40th LOL!
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Good or bad Figure?
We always hope for good, even the best ... ;-)
Tell the truth and have your own 50th party!!

I had a big one in a hall, well it was a surprise party arranged by Mr Funny, and it was great!!

Obviously you look after yourself well, unlike some of the lumps of lard I see waddling into the playground to get their kids.

I am truly shocked by what some of them look like - they obviously stopped any attempt at looking OK the day after they got married.
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I'm a testament to clean living Panic LOL!
Helly - you should be proud of your age. Many never to get to see that golden age. Be proud of it and think of all the wisdom and experiences you've acquired in those years. And you said you look good and younger too ... You have all that over them! Cheers!
Bloody hell figure, she aint in her dotage yet ya know!
What I said was meant in the best possible way.
Golden age figure ?

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