Could it be damaging to eat proper meals for breakfast? When I wake up I'm usually very hungry and have had things like a bowl of pasta for breakfast (not as soon as I wake up, maybe half an hour to an hour after) and I was wondering if this could have any bad effects on my dietry system? I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it but other people seem to be horrified that I can eat things like that first thing in the morning. As long as it doesn't have any bad effects, I don't see what's wrong with it. Thanks
I don't think so, in fact I would think pasta would be good, carbs and very filling. Anything that you eat in the morning is going to be burnt off during the day anyway. As long as you have a balanced diet, I wouldn't see it as a problem
I can't see that having a *proper* meal for a breakfast is bad... after all, all you are doing is breaking your fast..... Far better to have a slow acting carb meal first thing which keeps you going until lunchtime than nothing for brekkie and then needing a whole load of rubbish mid morning !
Oooh so that's why it's called's one of those things I've never stopped to think about!
I often used to eat 'proper' food for breakfast, and then went through a stage of eating no food at all, but in a bid to be healthy I now have cereal. But I really don't think there's anything wrong with the types of things you eat - and certainly not damaging...
I was in Canada in the late sixties, attached to the Canadian Black Watch, and for breakfast, they were given a full steak meal, and they thrived on it.