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coco pops | 11:27 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | Site Suggestions
8 Answers
Ed has returned to the sinking ship to do a new blog.


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-- answer removed --
ED did it yesterday, Todays chip paper now
Sorry chip paper cant be newspaper


im jason bourne
yer but as the saying goes...
To save you all the bother of reading the blog, I have rewritten a shorter version below:

The new AnswerBank is still broke and we don't have a timescale for fixing it.
We cannot be bothered to moderate the site properly, so please be nice to everyone.
We have answered the odd email and phonecall.
Gosh we are busy. Look out for the next Ed blog in another 3 months time. Thank you and goodbye.
An even shorter version is,

"Up yours!"
Well ,well ..I wonder why Joe !!!
Damn you're sinical...not saying you're not right though...

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