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scorpious123 | 22:27 Fri 07th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
just watching crufts, if you could be a dog whot type would you be i think i would be a labrador loyal like my food and a wonderer and always like my cuddles lol


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I'd probably be a Saint Bernard! Purely on physical resemblance though...
Think I'd be exactly the kind of dog I have snoring on the sofa about a foot away from me- a little yappy Jack Russell. Small, nippy, stubborn but oh so cheeky and full of character.
I have always thought I would be a rather daft Irish Setter!
I would be a poodle so that I could have my hair done and wear diamond studded collars.
Hi scorpious, not sure what breed but something with long ears to die for! It must be so relaxing having them played with.
G s d (alsatian)-i had one &it was my bestest dog i have had-tho i like all dogs;my own and others
Also i suppose an alsatian would be an image of myself -size and temperament(loud and loyal when necessary)

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