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super power

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sleepyj | 01:37 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
if you had 1 super power what would you like it to be ??i would like to read peoples minds ..


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I'm fairly advanced on that already!!!!!
I *can* read peoples minds, I'm a psychologist!

I'd like to either fly or see through things!
telekenesis or teleportation or invisibility.

hmmm... not sure which though, maybe the ability to make decisions instantly.
Brilliant, princess!!!! I've got a degree in psychology - but what i was taught, doesn't always follow!! xx

GS, could do with your help, are you around pumpkin? Tubs needs you!
Yaha I am, Ill go get a cuppa and sign in me dear!
It'd help!
I'd like the ability to be invisible! Think of the fun you could have and not be seen!
yes - but think of the probs if you couldn't get back! x
no icey, its a superpower so it comes and goes on demand ! Thats the beauty of it.
Fair dues! Could be quite interesting!
exactly! think of all the places you could go in unseen, the tricks you could play on people, all sorts of fun to be had with this one.
Yep I would like to be invisible too it would be great
I would go in all the places I daren't go in and listen in on things I shouldn't etc

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