one of my friend sent her passport to HO for visa renew, maybe need few more weeks to get it back. during the waiting period, is that any chance she could get a job. i meant if the empoyer can hire her if she past her interview then wait for few weeks after to get the new visa photcopy?
I would have thought the employer could still employ her but they should fax or email the HO first to ensure that she IS still entitled to work in the UK.
thanks dnn,
she is student, so she is only allowed to work up 20 hours per week, but she is looking for part time anyway. just not sure if worth to apply job or just hang on for frew more weeks.
If your friend KNOWS and is CERTAIN she is able to work in the UK for 20 hours or less, I dont see any reason why she shouldnt apply for a job. As she is a student, could she not do something that was maybe not a job through the books, i.e. babysitting, a casual bar job, a job through an agency etc. There is no reason why she cant register with any agencies until her visa comes through and then she would be all ready and raring to go when it does actually come through.
oh, thanks katie, just lots job descriptions involved the successful candidate need offer valid working status document etc. but hey, you never know if you dont try, will tell her:)
when i was doing induction for a part time sale assistant in my previous job, my manager told me to make sure her passport valid before we do anything.
she will be able to receive her visa in 2 to 4 weeks time, i will reckon her to go interviews then.
To In a Pickle. Hey, I am so sorry, I didnt mean for her to do anything illegal, just when I was a student I did babysitting jobs, casual bar work etc none of which I was ever asked if I was eligible to work (even though I am a British Nat) for. That was all and I am sorry if I came across that way or offendended anyone in any way.
yeah,. you wont know how annoying the visa issues for a foreigner, i didnt mean illigal immigrants, just lots of my mates including me, paid lots amount of tuition fees and studied hard and gained high degrees, but even have less right to work compare to those refugees, iligal immigrants etc. very frustrating sometimes