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** Alinic **

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weeal | 08:42 Mon 10th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
First day of your new job?

Good luck hon xx


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Good morning and good luck Alinic!!

Many thanks its tomorrow i start! god am so nervous! having some retail therapy today to calm the nerves!
Thanks for your kind wishes Weeal and funny girl
Morning weeal and funny, hope you are both well, good luck ali, hope all goes well xx
Thanks ray. right of th put the lippy on shop shop shop!
catch you all later xx
I dont know you hun as I am pretty new to this but I wish you the very best of luck.

Katie. x
good luck ali
Question Author
hi everyone, home for lunch

awww glad youre having a restful day before hand then alinic, and shopping IS good therapy

aww ra best ! the nooooo
Good luck for tomorrow will be fine ...

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** Alinic **

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