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daffy654 | 13:18 Mon 10th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
You remember we were discussing shopping trolleys the other day? Well I ordered one yesterday.pmsl. My other half is not happy as it cost me �57.00 !!!
I went for the black and white striped Rolser one here =0&pid=1058683&cat=16810&ack=9&search=&sought=


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Ooooo that's funky!!!!

I've put the idea on the back burner for now, I mentioned it to Mr Boo and he looked at me like i was puddled and said "FFS, you're 37 not 67"


Tell me how it goes and if you get "looks" whilst out with it? i'm still serious about maybe getting one.....possibly!
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Haha, I'm not looking forward to my first shopping trip with it! I don't take kindly to funny looks off people and tend to get a bit shouty.pmsl. I think i'm going to get a reputation as the madwoman of our village.
oooh boo, you already have that title so getting a trolley wont make an apeth of difference lol
i've got a fantastic mental inamge of you now daffy, you so have to go out colour co-ordinated and stand on a zebra corssing shouting at people, if you can get a black and white walking stick as well........................
Had to laugh at the pictures for your shopper, notice they put a ultra slim glam woman on the ad pulling it? Bet they wouldn't shift half as much if they used an old lady doddering along holding up a queue of folk.....
oi pix!

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I wear a black and white Regatta jacket too.I never thought of that.doh. I will have to get someone to take a photo of me with it when it arrives so you can all have a laugh.

I noticed the woman in the ad B00......i'm slim but not
Blimey Boo, does it do the shopping by itself??!!

That is a lot of money for a shopping trolley.

Very classy though!!
are you over the 5 ft mark

trolly dolly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
lol, yeah it is funnygirl, bit too much out of my price range that. There's some nice ones on Ebay for about �20.00 though.....errrr, not that i've been looking....honest!!!
Don't feel away about it, cause I have one and I use mine regularly.

Very very handy they are!!

I believe there are some that have a seat on them, a kind of flap that you pull down!!! Even better in those checkout queues.
it looks like an escaped convict! Maybe it what the modern burgular uses instead of a sack with "loot" written on it.

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