i drive a company vehicle they have taxed the vehicle and sent the disc to me but its still in the post am i entitiled to drive my vehicle till i get the disc my transport manager says iam but im not sure
If you use the car then you are guilty of "Failing to Display a Vehicle Excise Licence" and could possibly face a fine.
If the VEL has already been paid for then I doubt if the DVLA would follow up with a prosecution as it is they and not the police who sanction prosecutions.
Are you certain the company have applied for the licence ??
For info, a colleague was driving a company pool car with out of date road tax (which he hadn't noticed) and was stopped on the M25 by eagle eyed police. It turned out that the the company had the new disc but had overlooked putting it on the car. He had to go to a police station with it and that was as far as it went. However, I understand the police could prosecute as it is law to display a valid tax disc.
Worst case scenario is a �1000 fine, for failing to display. But that is absolute worst
If the vehicle is a lease vehicle the lease company would have applied for tax, and the vehicle will show as TAXED on the dvla system.
As a fleet manager myself, what we do to avoid being done by the old bill, is to obtain a headed letter from the lease company confirming that the vehcile is taxed and that the disc is on its way.