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To the normal people here

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SKA | 14:16 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is it me or have a few people gone a bit crazy on here lately?
I reckon cyber fighting and arguing will be the start of WW3!!


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Im always sane SKA :D
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Reading through some of the threads, I can't believe how childish people can be! If someone feels that they are being insulted on a website, then surely it would be a good idea to close the window down! Taking these things so seriously is silly in my opinion. After all we are all anonymous on here to a point so ignorace is bliss.
At least the bombs dropped in that particular war would just be youtube links though!
I don't know where half of it stems from, i'm not on here often enough to know who is fighting who and why!

I have to say that I haven't been ofended by anyone so I tend to ignore those threads as I have no gripe with any of them!
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I totally agree with poohshunny they should just stop reading or just leave that thread!!
what is normal? :-)
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I should have changed �normal� to �the people who don�t argue over nothing� but normal was shorter and easier to type
The trouble is that we have all been on threads which we are thoroughly enjoying and then a 'spoiler' hoves into view.

The withdrawal of the 'Report this post' function means that either we have to leave this enjoyable thread or report the entire thing.

I don't always post but enjoy reading through the threads and it is a huge disappointment once it gts hi-jacked...
so I could be classed as someone that argues over something :-) you're right I hate to argue but I like to give an opinion, to some that then turns into an argument. I hope it all goes soon.
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4get- a clash of opinions is not the same as petty arguing!!
you're right and a debate shouldnt be either
aww I always thought WW3 would be more exciting?!

I was promised transformers for WW3, at least megatron and optimus prime and co-dyadramol
isnt it ironic?


this is indeed

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