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4getmenot | 16:39 Wed 12th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Ok have sauid I'd babysit for a friend tonight as she is going to a charity do, Il;m going for tea first, and she has just txt saying 'you still on for tonight? My mate coming round with her littln for tea and she might be going to do later with me'. That to me means I am now looking after her mates girl too, what would you do, I don't mind it just seems quite cheeky.


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well I dont get walked over. I'm all for doing favours and helping people but when asked and not just people assuming
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well my friend doing me tea and it was going to be sausages its not now and when I said wheres the sausages she just said well I was thinking next week.... and then a big smiley.
So you're not going til next week now , is that right , have you got a night to yourself now then 4get ? xxxxx
Its AMAZING isnt it. We go out with our bags, mobile phones and money frightened not to lose them or have anyone steal them yet SOME will just leave their precious loved ones who should mean more to any thing in the world AT ALL with a more or less COMPLETE STRANGER.

I had this done to me once. I had agreed to look after my friends 3 children for the day whilst she went to work. She then turned up with the child of her boyfriends former partner and I was left with 4 and my own for a whole Saturday. When the Mother of the other child came to MY HOUSE she didnt even thank me. Just made comments on how large my house was.

I still resent it.

You need to ask her if her friend is going to PAY YOU to take care of her child for the night.

This has probably been planned for ages. It isnt just a one off thing.

Why doesnt her friend babysit for YOU and YOU go to the Charity Do.

Now theres a thought.

Katie. x

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