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song title

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perigra | 13:19 Wed 12th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
does anyone know the title of this song. i don't know the words but it goes like this

tum tum tum tum
tum tum tum tum

tum tum tum tum tum, la la la

do do do do.

tum tum tum tum

tum tum tum tum
tum tum tum tum

do do do do


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We're turning again by frank Zappa!
It sounds like My Pink Half of the Drain Pipe by the Bonzo Dog Band.
LOL no idea what it is but you could try this link and see if it knows it
Question Author
thanks but none of those!

tried song tapper but no luck.

someone must know????????
I hate it when I see these type of posts in the music section,people honestly think you can give them an answer...pmsl. I presume you are taking the p**s perigra???
I hope you are or i've just insulted you-kind
It sounds similar to a song on MIKA album - love today? Is it a recent song?
Weve got big balls by acdc?
could be roll over lay down and let me in by the Quo?

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