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Lifes little mysteries.

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unrulyjulie | 17:20 Thu 13th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I was walking my little boy to school today and i had a boulder in my boot! It was so uncomfortable, i couldnt wait to get back and get it out! When i took my boot off, a tiny tiny bit of grit no bigger than the eye of a needle fell out!
How does something so small feel so big??? (no mucky answers please) ;-)

Also why does a paper cut hurt so much more than other cuts?

why do they always deliver a parcel the moment you go out of the house. Do they sit watching the house, just waiting?

Which of lifes little mysteries have you always pondered about?


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Ha jules , so right ! I always think I've got the rock of Gibralter in my shoe , and yes , you can wait staring at the window all day , but the minute you turn your back , there is the " sorry you were out " slip in the letterbox !
yeah its like when you have a wee spot on yer tongue and it seems to fill your whole mouth

I hate when you go in the shower/bath and the phone rings!
Hee , yes , I often just get upstaiirs and it rings when I've forgotten to take the reciever with me , oh , and do you find you can stand and watch toast under the grill for ages but the time you put it under and move away is when it burns .
yeah mamma re the toast, and it happens when youre waiting for something to boil too, happens when u leave the room then you gotta run in case its all over the place lol

and fruit only ripens after youve waited and waited, then you turn yer back and its mush and you cant eat it (cept pears which absolutely refuse to ripen)
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why is it that when i press the button on the crossing for the lights to change, they wait until evey last car has been and gone and the road is clear before they change to red?????
Why does it always rain when I have forgotten my umberella and sun all day when I have it with me.

Why does my hair go just the way I like it the day before the hairdressers appointment.

Question Author
lol puss, that is so true about the hair! When mine was short it would suddenly go out of shape so i couldnt do a thing with it, badly needing a cut, the day before i got it done, perfect!

if its gonna rain, why does it always choose to start at 12.44 when i have to leave the house at 12.45?
Lol , my mum always used to say she knew the minute I'd left the house to visit her because it would rain .
If you drop your toast...why does it always land butter or jam side down ?

Why do all your light bulbs seem to blow on the same night ?

Why does it always rain just after you've washed your windows or hung a load of washing out?
why do people visit when the house is in a mess, and never when its tidy ?
Why, when you go clothes shopping, can you never find what you want, but when you are skint you see plenty?
Why when I clean the toilet, someone dumps in it??????
why does the washer never eat a PAIR of socks?

why is it that every time you save up for ages to buy something its always in a half price sale the week after?

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