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Shirl's question made me think....

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EngTeach | 02:16 Sun 16th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
To jump off of Shirl's question.... I now wonder how many people have created a false persona on here. ( I don't mean the multiple identities) Obviously the anonymity creates opportunities for people to lie. I feel that I am basically as true to myself on here as one can be.

If people stretch the truth, how far do you think they go on a site like this one? And what is the point? This is not a dating or sales site, so why engage in subterfuge?


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Was just about to go to bed. Lol

I am tiggerblue and always will be. Unless I'm dungeonised, then I'm bluetigger!

Night ET xxx
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LOL1 Good Night to you Tig.
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Agree with Tigger - who's a very nice person btw. If i get slammed in the dungeon, then I'm snow.maiden - but only until I can get back on. I have no other usernames. x
I am always myself on here,I don't see the point in lying.You have to have a really good memory to be a good liar and I definitely haven't got one,I can barely remember what I had for breakfast some
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I guess it is quite late there for you guys. Only about 9:30 here. I forget sometimes and wonder why I get no responses. DUH!!

I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Hya eng teach Knobby has got banned so have to disgiuse meself as capts log) but you probbaly know that anyway have forgten what the question was now but just popped in to say hy to you and how you doing
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I agree daffy, I could not remeber to lie constatntly.
I know what you mean,ET...there are some on here who seem,shall i say ,inconsistant.....they will present themselves differently-ie-'facts' about their lives which seem contradictory, according the which 'topic' they are posting on. I find that worrying, as i wonder whether any of what they say is true?
I don't bother to analyse what people say really. I know who's telling the truth by what they say to me privately - but then again, we all have our own lives to lead away from AB, and I don't really bother if people use different names on here, so long as they're respectful to others. x
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Thank you all for your thoughtful responses.

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Shirl's question made me think....

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