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is it true????......

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hollie1586 | 16:55 Mon 17th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
that there is gonna be an exhibition of marylin monroe's clothes @ the royal armouries in leeds @ the end of this month?? i cant find n e info


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If it is then just WOW!!!!!! I will be watching this thread with interest. My heroine!
i hope so...i will definately be making a visit if it does happen!
Hi hollie, Hi Julie :o)

I caught a snippet of this on the local news this morning. I found our local news here; and at 4:43mins in he says about the display but not at the Royal Armouries but I think he says Saville's Hall leeds.

Ooo you sneaked in then MiniN, Hi to you too :o)
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i live about 10 miles outside of leeds city center so i have plenty of time lol

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