I have an elderly uncle who had to go into a care home a few years ago. He had around �60,000 savings too. They WILL check accounts, I think there is a "gift" limit per annum, so it's not like he could just give it all away.
They will use his savings to pay for 100% of care until it drops to around the �20K mark. Then they will start to pay for a proportion of his care, until his savings dwindle to I think �13K, then he will receive full funding.
If you want him to go to a private home, there will be about a �60 a week "top-up" that is to be paid by a relative. He CANNOT use his own savings to pay for this. My mother pays for my uncle's top-up fees, she works at his care home & receives a small discount which helps a bit. Her working there also allows her to make sure he is cared for properly.....
Once in a home, he will be restricted to an "allowance" of his own savings, i.e. enough money to buy beer, cigs, sweets, etc. This is to stop people from giving their money away. He keeps receipts to prove that his money is being spent on his own items, and they check his bank statements too. My mother always makes sure his full amount is spent every week and has managed to (artfully) skim some off to put in an account which she then uses to help pay for the "top up". It's insane.
I'm disgusted that my uncle has worked a 60 hour week for 50 years, saved damn hard and lived frugally, and wanted his savings to be given to my mother as an "inheritance" (she is like a daughter to him), and it's being frittered away on care that he should have received for free in his old age. Yet someone who has barely worked in their life, scammed the benefits system, and has no savings receives free care? He has told her many times that he wishes he had died before he had to go into care, so that she could have benefitted.