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bobtheturkey | 17:44 Tue 18th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
if you could grade your grumpyness or otherwise what would you give yourself? i would be an A +, also is it better to be a meldrew and have that nice sense of realism about life or is it better to walk around with a smile like the chocolate lynx man 24 7, is grumpy good?


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Hello, bob! :) I am very grumpy, as you know, but today (just for once) I'm very, very smiley! :))
Probably a masters level. I'd look shifty if I smiled contantly. I had to do it when I worked for the disney store years a go and it hurt my mouth.
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i never sense any grumpiness form you cb i think you just want in the grumpy club :)
A bit of both is good, you can't go round grinning when something is crap but its no good being grumpy all the time
I have grumpy times, I would be a b in grumpiness, some days it makes my advice look bitter and twisted.

Im in a better mood today because Im going to have a glass of umbongo
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Too true, bob, there is that, but I can assure you that I am pure evil before 11am and only slightly better throughout the day. :)
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i bought a pen today so i would be an A- im obsessed with pens even though my writing is diabolical
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do you slam doors cb?
Most days I'd say I'm an A* in the grumpiness, every now and again tho I bring my nicer side out to play.
I don't really think grumpy is too good tho, sometimes it even bugs me that I'm such a grumpster!!
I'm usually happy and in a good mood but if I am in a mood I get as ratty as anything and hate it when I don't know why I'm in a mood . Must be my age , thankfully it doesn't last long , isn't very often , and nobody gets it in the neck . :-)
I can't say I'm grumpy! I have a good relationship/ roof over my head/ food in my stomach & have a lot to be grateful for xxx
I am an A+++++ grump wee sod and proud of it!
i'm a grumpy bu$$er today , i told my neighbour(and good friend) off when he really didn't deserve it. just me being a grumpy pants!
Im a grumpy tw@t of grade A+ variety

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