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Mayonnaise is vile

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SKA | 15:44 Thu 20th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just thought you might want to know some idiot decided to pollute my lovely sandwich with some of the stuff.


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I thought it was just me - can't abide the stuff.

Cheese either.
Question Author
oh yeah cheese is vile too!!

my word is LAW!!
I can't stand the stuff either.Have you ever tried to buy one of those pre-packed sandwiches in a supermarket without mayo? I think they use the stuff to disguise the fact that the other stuff on them is past it's best.
Mayonnaise is vile,
Cheese is heaven on a plate
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yes its vile and tasteless!!

my wife and kids love it so its allowed in our house!!!
Salad cream is even worse,just the smell of that stuff and I start wretching.
Salad cream is just as bad.

Also hate that white bland tasteless useless sauce some people put on veg.
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Mayo and salad cream (which is just as vile) should not pollute good food!!
I dont mind mayo but not too much of it else it makes me feel awfully nauseous!
I prefer salad cream with tuna or eggs in a sarnie!
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The best thing in a sandwich apart from that yummy chicken I just had is a Banana
Love banana sandwiches, but only if made fresh, otherwise you could drink them.

Fave sandwich? Think a baguette with chicken, lettuce, tomato and a little onion.

Or some good ham, with nothing else.

All sandwiches with butter, unless they're jam ones in which case butter is obviously disallowed.
Has to be Helmans for me, cheap stuff gives me an IBS attack.
Allergic to cheese and hate mayonnaise - do you know how difficult it is to get a plain ham sandwich? Why don't they have those little sachets of the stuff for anyone who really wants it?
What I don't understand is there are always sandwiches left over at the end of the day with ingredients no-one wants
yet a plain sandwich would no doubt sell twice as many.
Why can't the powers that be see this? Also in my local Sainsburys which is a small store in a small market town in their bakery they always have to reduce the price of the 'baguettes' and other yuppy rolls and breads, because they have loads left yet they always run out of plain crusty rolls and crusty white bread. This is rural Norfolk for gods sake!
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lankeela - write to sainsburys to complain!! you might get a coupon or something while they 'look in to it'!
Ha ha I;m in Norfolk too. How can someone hate cheese. I love the stuff but my bloke hates it, man I miss a big cheese fest :-(
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*gag* at the thought of cheese, especially on a plate
do you like yoghurt SKA?
I hate cheese on it's own, but love it on my spag bol!!!

I love mayo too, and put it on every sandwich!!!

I love yogs too, except the plain natural ones!!

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