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Abdulmajid | 23:26 Sat 22nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Does anybody know of any decent discos in London (preferably North) where a single man can walk in without being stabbed??

I haven't been to a discoteque in London since about 1990 by the way.

Christ I am desperately bored.


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A rave???? I have never done drugs in my life.

Soemwhere where my ear drums will not be bleeding in the morning.
Sorry Abdul, I live in Lancashire so can't help you at all.
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Abdul if your still calling german footballers nazis maybe your tolerance levels to modern lifestyles should not be tested
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Blimney the only responses I get are from The War of the Roses.

Chapel Bar, Islington.
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Islington???????? I said I don't want to be stabbed!!!!

Saying that Shoreditch is up market nowadays, so perhaps Islington has improved as well.
Im from the House of York side lol
Well to ensure your safety I suggest you change out of the grey slacks and v-neck jumper first.
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Indeed. Call me old fashioned but I would wear a suit if I went out.

What sort of music do they play at this dance hall in Islington?

Might be a bit dancey for your taste actually.
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Another hilarious post from you there Legend.

I hope you make a note of the view count of your youtube links and realise that nobody actually views them.

You are a heartbroken piece of scotch filth my dear friend.

However, I do find it funny that sitting here in one of my two parents studies, the things around me in this small room cost more than your your entire life.

I am of course referring to a rather nice photograph of my FAMILY, mother, father and little old me. A photo of such you can only imagine in your lonely little life.

Ooooooops how silly of me. I forgot. You lead a rockstars life on some exotic island don't you???

As I said, you are an absent father piece of lard.

Lose some weight, stop drinking, and be a man. Then one day you may be happy. Until then, just tootle off and think why a the woman left you. Of which I find very,very amusing.

Especially knowing that somebody else is fathering your offspring.

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