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Fart euphemisms

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Myriad2112 | 22:25 Wed 26th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
A Pant Stainers

Trouser Cough

Gravy Pants

and my favourite:

Anal Audio


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What no sh1t on a g string then
paaaarrrrrrrp! ;o))
botty burps?
Butt Burp.
trouser trumpets

rip raps

Shooting bunnies
Speak up, Brown, you're through!
Float an air biscuit

Mating call of the barking spider
Question Author
essence of the anus
We call it teither he obvious passing wind, fluffing or as BOO said, botty burps!
*teither? We call it either the obvious.....!
Don't tear it I'll take the full piece.

A flock of sparrows taking off.
Well, I think this posting is pants!
-- answer removed --

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Fart euphemisms

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