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It's teatime

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4GS | 18:25 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
See y'all tomorrow fellow ABers

Night night


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Hello john , mwaaah, didn't get to talk to you today and you're going already , have a good evening sweets :-)
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See ya john, take it easy matey. hello mamma, good to see your name xx
Hello ray honey , good to see you as always , hope you are well :-) xxxxx
goodbye 4GS, hello ray and hello mamma and 3ight, mwah x
Hiya gorgeous, you ok? will speak to you in morning if your about. xx

take care mamma xx
eh, what, who?

you talking to me ray??? (jules looks round to see who's behind her)

I will be around in the morning ray, just for you! :-) 6.15 do ya? ;-)
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aww see ya john, im just logged on here now too :S

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It's teatime

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