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Pie and chips

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Doc Spock | 17:20 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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only if its PUKKA
Is it Gynsters Doc ? I could just go one of their pastys
Freaky that is what I;m having for tea
had pie for lunch, no chips though ;-(
chicken and mushroom please!
steak and kiddely
Pie & Mash is better, specially if its covered in liquor, vinegar and pepper.
Oh 4get how can you, I hate kate and sidney pie, yuk that is so wrong. not pukka more like puker!!
Liquor Ray? What do you mean?
Yummy , steak pie and mash with a real thick gravy .......:-P
When I was a kid I thought there were Kate and Sidney pies- God knows what I thought was in them!!
come over to cockney land max and get some real grub, it is a parsley sauce made from the water eels are cooked in, lovely jubbly xx
Well my mum used to put a cup in the middle ( it was a huge pie ) to stop the pastry sagging , I never saw it go in and always believed it rose in the oven ....doh
Oh! lol I had a mental image of you pouring alcohol over your pie! lol I'd never heard of it, thanks.
Ray Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm kidney
lol, thanks 4get, i just did a technicolour yawn then, I hate that stuff. I am gonna get it banned. :-)

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Pie and chips

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