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dustypuss | 13:38 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
What would you be do if someone took your computer off you

Or what did you do all day before you got a computer ?



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sit on my bed, legs + arms folded and rock back and forth crying softly

Wa..... Watch telly.
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Mrs DP often takes my puter of me and makes me do thing like gardening
My computer is never on me. However, if they took it away from me I will take it back from them.

Before I got a computer which was many years ago, I was busy with school.
Read- even now I'll read almost anything going, total relaxation.
i would be able to catch up on paperwork!!!............ bloody internet............tas ruined my life i tells ya!!!!
well i wouldnt be able to work, so thatd be a bonus i suppose :)
I would play my guitar(s), walk the dog, watch telly, and talk to the wife (in that order).

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mattie I would do the same but first I would have to learn how to play the guitar . bye a dog . and get the remote of the wife . but as as for talking to her - no way!!!!!!!!!!!
read my magzine that i bought last month and still havent read it. or just go out for a walk (if the weathers nice), ermm listen to radio, CD's play my DS or watch DVD, er,,,, TV, go to cinema... go to GYM, go to a Pub.... theres loads of things to do!!!! im only online is to look for jobs and flat hunting!!

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